MENtal Strength

Insights for men about self-mastery, well-being and thriving relationships

These articles are intended to help men navigate the challenges of modern life, be their best, and build the relationships they want to have.

Michael Giles Michael Giles

How to respond to “weaponized incompetence”

If you’re concerned that your partner’s incompetence is a ploy to get out of doing shared tasks, it’s not a good idea to voice that accusation. In this article, we talk about to do instead.

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Michael Giles Michael Giles

This therapist’s birthday wish

Today, as I turn 45 years old, my wish is to more fully embrace the attitude that my life is not about what the world throws in my direction, but how I respond to it. I want to embrace this attitude with such conviction that I feel no desire for my troubles to vanish, but instead feel a sincere and complete gratitude for the challenges as opportunities to learn and grow stronger.

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Michael Giles Michael Giles

The dating wisdom of “Swingers”: Tell the truth.

Often, when we’re urgently needing a result, we’re not in the best state for achieving that result. This is most true when our goal is to connect with or influence others. Whether we’re calling it "neediness," "desperation," or “coming from a place of scarcity,” a state of urgent need doesn't empower you. You are not more likely to get the relationship, the friend, the job, the promotion or the client, when your urgent need has you behaving as if the option in front of you is your last chance.

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Michael Giles Michael Giles

How to be a good dad (when you’re feeling tense, anxious, irritable, etc.)

Most of us dads live at one extreme or another with regards to experiencing our feelings. One extreme is to disconnect. No feelings. We have too much to do. There’s no time to feel feelings.  And the feelings are painful, so why would we want to? Or we find ourselves immersed in our feelings. We yell when we’re mad, or complain when we feel ignored. We tell people on social media to “F^@% OFF” when we feel offended by their stupidity.

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Michael Giles Michael Giles

The feelings that you try to control…

Your ability to mindfully feel your emotions is your source of personal power. When you can't do that, then anything that triggers your emotions has power over you. But when you can allow your feelings to be present, you have the power to choose how you respond to the challenging situations that elicit your emotions.

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Michael Giles Michael Giles

The secret to effective boundaries

Developing healthy boundaries benefits your self-esteem, peace of mind and feelings of efficacy. And having boundaries is also a result of those positive inner states. Alternatively, if our boundaries have been lacking or weak, that can mean there's some struggle with feelings of self-worth or other unresolved emotional challenges.

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